Benefits of Eating Sugar Apple Fruit
The fruit Annona is also known as Sugar fruit. The botanical name of the plant which bears the fruits is Annona squamosa. A ntaive of West Indies and tropical Americas , is also known as Custard Apple in South East Asia.
Shape of Sugar Fruit Annona
The shape of the fruit can roughly be described as spherical to conical. It has a rind of thickly composed segments that are knobby. Sugar apple segments have a lot of health benefits and we shall discuss them here.
Benefits of Sugar Apple fruit
Sugar apple fruit is loved by many because of its sweet taste. However it is rich in nutrients which is very nice to have in a tropical fruit. Annona fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals such as Provitamin A , B1 and B2 and Vitamin C. The fruit is also rich in minerals such as Phosphrous , Potassium, Iron and Calcium.
Eating fruits regularly certainly helps in keeping a healthy inflow of nutrients or to be more particular the phytonutrients.
Eating apple sugar fruit regularly gives the anti inflammatory agents in the body a boost. It also fights against rheumatic factors. Being rich in fiber it adds to the nutritional value of food and helps treating stomach disorders. Like many other fruits's benefits this also helps in quicker absorption of nutrients. It helps in curing flu and fever. People also use it to get relief when they have dysentery and diarrhea.
It is our continuous endeavor to include benefits of eating fruits in our blog. Please share it with others. Our aim is to inspire others to eat healthy and live healthy and eating different kinds of fruits have their own advantages.
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