Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Benefits of Eating Araza

Benefits of Eating Araza

benefits of eating Araza fruit is tremendous and in this article we shall discuss about what are the nutritional values associated with Araza and positive outcomes eating fruits regularly.

Benefits of Eating Araza ( Eugenia Stipitata )

Araza is an acidic fruit and is lessen known or underutilized crop. It is acidic in nature so may not be directly consumed but can be processed in to Juice , Ice creams , marmalade or other deserts with a refreshing taste. It is found in the Amazon rain forests of Brazil, the western part of Amazonia. 

Botanical name of Araza fruit tree is Eugenia stipitata .

Being highly acidic in nature, it has a natural capability of being processed and stored longer. Araza is rich in Nitrogen and Potassium. When dry, Araza fruit contains protein , fibers and other carbohydrates. It is also rich in Vitamin A , B1 and C. The oil of the fruit contains germacrene B which is antioxidant in nature. The ethanolic extracts of the fruit can be beneficial in treating cancer , as they posses antigenotoxic and antimutagenic factors.

Benefits of eating fruits is tremendous. Regular fruit consumption provides us different kinds of nutrients. Depending on the type of fruit, different nutritional values are associated with them. Different fruits grow in different climatic conditions and soil. This makes them different from each other. Eating fruits regularly gives us adequate amount of phyto nutrients which we can not find from animal products. For balanced supply of vitamins and micro nutrients, eating fruits is a must. People who like to eat fruit regularly have a healthy body. Along with nutrients the fruits also have a good supply of fibers which makes them good for our stomach and digestion. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Benefits of Eating Apricot

Benefits of Eating Fruit Apricot

Benefits of eating fruits regularly has tremendous positive effect on health of human beings. We  human beings need a wide range of nutrients in the form of vitamins , mineral and special substances that are found in fruits and vegetables. Eating various kinds of fruits makes these kinds of nutrients available to our body. In our previous article we wrote about benefits of eating Avocado. We would love to hear from you if you are liking my articles. This is an attempt to write about benefits of eating fruits and inspiring others to eat healthy and live healthy. 

Benefits of eating fruits apricot

Apricots are orange in color. They are rich in beta carotene and fibers and several other nutrients. Potentially Apricots are full of antioxidants of plant origin. Apart from that they also contain Vitamin A and C. Polyphenolic antioxidants like Falvinol are also present in them.

Follwoing are few antioxidants found in Apricot
  • Proanthocyanidins
  • Quercetin
  • Catechins
  • Coumaric acid
  • Hydroxycinnamics
  • Epicatechins
  • Ferulic acid
  • Caffeic acid
  • Gallic acid

As Vitamin A is abundant in apricots , the fruit is really good for eyesight,

Potassium in Apricot keeps the fluid balance and muscle functions intact. 

Rich is soluble and insoluble fibers , eating apricots help in balancing blood glucose and cholesterol levels.  

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Benefits of Eating Avocado

Benefits of Eating Avocado

Avocado is a berry fruit. If you would like to know more about Avocado fruit , its family , botanical name etc, you can simply visit the wikipedia page or simply visit BBC's good food page for Avocado and read more. This article is a short and crispy version to review the health benefits of eating fruits like Avocado. 

Avocado is mild flavored and used as vegetable as well. However it can be processed and used in several ways. 

Benefits of Eating Avocado

Nutrition Facts Avocado

Avocado is rich in Vitamin C , A , B6, B12 and  D . It is also rich in minerals like Calcium and Potassium, Magnesium and iron. It has little amount of saturated fat and zero cholesterol. 

Benefits of having regular intake of Avocado 

As it is rich with several phytonutrients , it makes a very healthy fruit. Eating Avocado regularly reduces the blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. 

It contains monosaturated fatty acids which is extremely healthy for your heart. 

It has 7 % fibres which helps in healthy metabolism and also assists weight loss regimes if you would like to undertake. 

Having Avocados regularly help in protecting against metabolic syndrome 

They contain antooxidants, so technically they keep you healthy by removing the harmful free radicals from the body.

Avocados help fighting cancerous agents in the body. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Benefits of Eating Annona

Benefits of Eating Sugar Apple Fruit

The fruit Annona is also known as Sugar fruit. The botanical name of the plant which bears the fruits is Annona squamosa. A ntaive of West Indies and tropical Americas , is also known as Custard Apple in South East Asia. 

Shape of Sugar Fruit Annona 

 The shape of the fruit can roughly be described as spherical to conical. It has a rind of thickly composed segments that are knobby. Sugar apple segments have a lot of health benefits and we shall discuss them here. 

Benefits of eating Sugar Apple Fruit ( Annona )

Benefits of Sugar Apple fruit

Sugar apple fruit is loved by many because of its sweet taste. However it is rich in nutrients which is very nice to have in a tropical fruit. Annona fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals such as Provitamin A , B1 and B2 and Vitamin C. The fruit is also rich in minerals such as Phosphrous , Potassium, Iron and Calcium. 

Eating fruits regularly certainly helps in keeping a healthy inflow of nutrients or to be more particular the phytonutrients. 

Eating apple sugar fruit regularly gives the anti inflammatory agents in the body a boost. It also fights against rheumatic factors. Being rich in fiber it adds to the nutritional value of food and helps treating stomach disorders. Like many other fruits's benefits this also helps in quicker absorption of nutrients. It helps in curing flu and fever. People also use it to get relief when they have dysentery and diarrhea. 

It is our continuous endeavor to include benefits of eating fruits in our blog. Please share it with others. Our aim is to inspire others to eat healthy and live healthy and eating different kinds of fruits have their own advantages.